Periodic Dosage
Human Animals and Their Power Struggles
Once upon a time there was Diary, and similar were logs, journals, travelog and such forth. In our info age, it is called blogs by inept computing geeks. To keep in sync with humanity of fashionable business and nomenclature novelty, mine is called Periodic Dosage. This periodic, is bent on to inform the informed, and educate the educated, of all things and social things and ethological things.
On posting stratgegy.
- Most accounts, are spammy.
- They post whatever on their mind or repost other's posts.
- Often, incomprehensible to others, and gets annoying fast.
- they wipe your stream.
- Some accounts, are very reserved in posting.
- Each post, is like a mini publication.
- Either small time in letting others know what they are thinking,
- or more elaborate on social issues. (or math, tech.)
- Either style, you'll find in accounts with hundred thousand followers.
- thomas sowell, basic economics. in which i ditched moral based helping ideal, in particular in software eg free software foundation.
- bertrand russel, many books, eg biography. biggest influence of my life, esp logical positivism, i am.
- li ao, chinese historian in taiwan. this one, u no unstand.
- By the way, this Garry Kasparov, is usa deep agent.
- He is waiting for usa to crown him as Russia king.
- That Drew Pavlou guy, is also.
- He in part specialize in promoting war between chinese in china and taiwan, and we sell weapons.
Permanent Washington is trying to prevent Tulsi Gabbard from becoming Director of National Intelligence. Bernard Hudson ran counterterrorism at the CIA, and says the country needs her.
- (0:00) Life in the CIA
- (7:00) The Invasion of Iraq Was a Complete Disaster
- (19:39) Why the Establishment Fears Tulsi Gabbard
- (34:56) The Unchecked Power of Our Intel Agencies
- (42:14) Are the Most Powerful People in DC Being Blackmailed?
- (52:56) Why Won’t the Intel Community Declassify the JFK and 9/11 Files?
- (1:08:45) The New Orleans Attack and Cybertruck Explosion
- (1:22:24) The CIA and the Ukraine/Russia War
- (1:38:48) Dangers of Drone Technology
About Indians
- Here's my experience working with Indian programers.
- I worked with Indians for several years around y2k in Silicon Valley.
- It seems to me:
- The indian programers, are average at best.
- But they also seems to be diligent workers, more so than whitemen coders.
- And by my observation of past decades, it seems to me indians in general seems to be docile to power.
- Why is Google, Microsoft, or ex twitter CEO, are all Indians?
- They, during the high SJW (aka woke) crime era (2016 to ~2022), they all supported it.
one annoying thing in pol space, is the fear mongers, and Low IQ mouthers, the likes of Tim Pool and Joe Rogan and Alex Jones. and Lex Fridman.
(Alex Jones is actually smart, and much so than Tim or Joe)
On X Censorship Over H1B Visa Brawl, Exactly Why, or What Type, Are Being Censored?
- I was, extremely offended, by the sudden rise of certain white-christian-maga-ONLY types in past 2 weeks about h1b visa.
- though, the list of big accounts who got paid badge removed on X, half of them are not exactly this group.
- e.g. the two persons i follow, Dr Anastasia Maria Loupis and Jake Shields, are not exactly in the circle of Steve Bannon or Laura Loomer etc.
- Also, another very interesting thing is that, there's this Casandra Macdonald woman, who also lost her paid badge, but i haven't seen them promoting this fact.
- The story is a bit complicated and related to race.
- but as far as i know, if there is is a theme of who got semi-censored, it is mostly those who do trash talk in a blatant way, and some are doing that aginst either israel or jewish people.
- (e.g. dr Loupis and Jake Shields).
- Loupis got blue check mark back, but not Jake.
- by the way, i've unfollowed Dr Loupis.
- She is a big covid speaker, and also anti either israel or jewish people.
- (big difference, but sorry don't want to spend ten minute on this.)
- but she tend to post her thoughts a lot, instead of a well composed message, so often you just have no idea what she's saying.
- I unfollowed her just because her post is not too useful to me.
- The Jake guy, i only recently followed.
- But am about to unfollow too, because boxing and his stance is really not much relevant to my interests.
- though i do appreciate they speak out against the powers, rightly or wrongly.
Not Dead Yet. Happy 2025
X Report for Hateful Conduct
Relations of the Pro Muslim Movement in USA and UK and Deepstate
- There is something i don't understand.
- The pro Muslim movement, in USA started by Hillary Clinton chant islamphobia around 2016, and the mass migration in UK, France, Germany, i believe is pushed by the top corrupt usa leaders.
- But the top corrupt American leaders are also pro Israel.
- So why did they start the pro Muslim movement?
- is it just chaos resulting from different factions sans coherent plan?
wallowing in hot pol past month
- wallowing in lot pol twitter in past month, since trump election. almost 5 hours a day.
- my twitter feed, is basically all extremely sad ugly beating kill death war vids giga money crimes visage.
- i no follow trifling stuff e.g. meme joke cute animal hot girl drama dating verbiage grifting culture war spitballs, or some pop dolt stars telling u about history and civilization aka intellectual grifters.
- so, i actually learn a lot when i spend time on twitter, watching and understanding the deep power struggle on earth.
- getting to the bottom of it. what who why.
face impression of white ethnicity
now, an interesting question on race of a white face.
if i change my mugshot on twitter, to a whiteman, what kinda face should i use? e.g. should it be like brit, german, irish, pollish, russian, french, or even italian, greek etc kinda look.
Because, am sure, to the white people, there's a difference in impression. e.g. which ethnic face, would garner more positive impression by a glance, or looks more 'chad' whatever that means, or more neutral, or more lame... when seen by white.
for simplicity, tell me which would be best impression.
What Has America Become, the Mouth Fighters.
- It's quite funny, these self-labeled CORE MAGA, pol activists.
- They are not engineers, know nothing about math.
- But they, on the America stage, are the loudest.
- Have you seen the USA lawyer growth?
- That's what America has become.
- Mouth fighters.
- Xah Talk Show 2024-12-19 Ep604, I SUPPORT THE CURRENT THING.
- A summary of pol in past 10 years, and why they happen.
- Starting in 2016. sjw, patriarchy, blm, trans king, covid, ukraine war, and ga vs i war.
Does posting link on x punish its spread
During the sjw era, what's the role of jews?
- as far as i know, it's a mixed bag.
- I'd think, the sjw is promoted by the deepstate, and half of them r pro israel jews. E.g. The hollywood, and i think the whole DEI (Diversity, equity, and inclusion) corps.
- Yet, some big anti sjw stars, e.g. ben shapiro, dave rubin, bari weiss, cathy young, saad, etc, are pro israel jews. As i learned since gaza.
- So it seems, there's isn't a coherent plot. Just power struggle, among the jews, right?
- yes, i remember reading a well-written article few years ago, saying about jews, that they are intellectuals but there are seemingly paradoxical interests, something like that.
The Sorry State of So-Called Social Media, Bubble and Drama
- You can't goto a reply and honestly typing out your thoughts, on pol or controversial issues.
- You do that, often your reply becomes algo no show.
- Even if you like the author.
- That means, each post is mostly ass kissing replies.
- No inter-breed. Thus the bubble.
- Worse is, you can't do real thought.
- Long thoughts but polite and worded in favor, still no competition with numb nods.
- Or, you try funny memes. Thus, drama shit show.
- Elon's X has become much better, rid of lots bots and censorship, but still have this social media problem.
- But X, ends up have this property of good at spreading the latest news, especially dramatic and disaster news. Faster than anything.
sad state of gaza saga and jews
- It's pretty sad the gaza saga came about.
- Before, i didn't know particularly what's jew, to me it's all just “whitemen”.
- Now, i know a lot, and it's not a pretty picture.
- The anti sjw stars i followed since 2016, e.g. Ben shapiro, dave rubin, all seems bent out of shape to kill.
- And others i kinda followed to lesser degree, too, e.g. Bari Weiss, Cathy Young.
- And that lib of tiktok Chaya Raichik, is also an extreme.
- They have posted quite nasty stuff on killing palens.
- And turns out, half of usa top leaders or the mega riches are jew.
- And most support Israel.
- But the usa i signed up for, isn't Israel is it?
- in past few years, i also learned, there is certain tension between whitemen and jew.
- Looking back thru my life, the friends and aquaintances i know who i think are jew, they never mentioned about race issue, and often friendly, helpful, professional.
- Am a nerd, mostly am in hardcore computing and math circles, work with other programers or professors.
- the jews, are very powerful today.
- but looking at the gaza, whatever history it is, it is hard to forgive.
- as a human animal on this earth, i need to say this.
On, who you ass kiss determines what you see
- In past weeks, realized, on twitter x, the FOLLOWING tab significantly changes depends on which post you 🧡.
- (by the way you never get to see all the posts by people you followed in the order of time it's posted.)
- In my opinion, all the thumbs-up 👍 🧡 ⭐ should all be ban'd.
- So that we are back to the ancient word-of-mouth rating system.
- Those machine convenience of “like” gamification and algo faaks with our mind, destroys human communication.
On Justice
- i get ur message
- i think tim cook is on the borderline
- on the call for justice
- also, it's unclear, that trump victory means we all good.
- there is much much to fight yet.
- on the tim cook, it must not be forgotten
- what apple did
- and the millions they put to blm
- and the souther poverty law center
- at the hayday of sjw gang
- what do those got beaten and killed, get?
- remember, the hundreds of videos we seen
- the beaten, head damage, burned buildings, entire family business
- the kneeling down of mayors to street antifa gangs?
On Fakenews and How to Deal with Friends Who Follow Them.
- A lot people are still reading fakenews. Including your friends.
- Over the years, i discovered, it is extremely difficult to argue on sensitive topics.
- The issues are diverse.
- You have china issue, israel issue, ukraine issue, whitemen sex issue (gender, trans, women), religion factions e.g. Christian Judaism Islam.
- Depending which issue you are talking, and who you talking to.
- When people agree with you, it's all quiet.
- But one out of ten things some of your friend disagrees, it may blows up and ugly.
- (especially if you wrote your opinion in a dramatic or careless way)
- How to deal with this problem?
- I find that, the best way, is simply not engage in argument.
- On a charged issue, if you have certain view, simply post the view you think is true.
- Post on issue you have looked into deeply.
- If in a argument, it needs to be polite. Angry rant doesn't help.
- And if you see it's going nowhere, just bow out.
- Living in us in past 40 years, i didn't know what antisemitism means.
- Now i do, since gaza.
- The usage context is similar to misogyny, homophobe, islamphobe, racist.
- You use these on someone you no like.
Glenn Greenwald on Ukraine War, Tucker Carlson. 2024-11-20
- Elon musk is saying here that shitposting is part of his job.
- That is actually true, since he bought twitter in 2022.
- I've read every of his post since for 2 years.
- The so called social network got problems.
- U just need to repeatedly post the same thing, every week or month.
- And u need to add at least a bit drama in the writing style, else it's unseen.
- so called social network, in past 20, created a gen of brainless zoomers.
- unthinking men.
- clickbaits n thots n shitposters n grifters, aka influencers.
- all, so that tech corps can brag bout traffic and make ad money.
- Everyone, must do this to play. Not just the grifters and memers, but also including good journalists, politicians.
- You just need to repost and rephrase the same idea or fact week after week.
- i've posted similar opinion above about every 2 years since ten years ago.
- but lo and behold, here it is again!
- like it and pay me!
thank you pol
i like to thank the following people, for providing info about what's going on in us gov officials in the past few years.
- Elon Musk
- Mike Benz
- Michael Shellenberger
- Lee Fang
- Matt Taibbi
- Tucker Carlson
- Tulsi Gabbard
- Christopher F Rufo.
- Scott Ritter
- Norman G. Finkelstein
- Stella Assange
- The current state of the USA Democratic Party, is like the capital state in hunger games.
- Depraved, phony, and cruel.
blue eyes
- so basically, in order to have blue eyes, ur parent line somewhere, must have blue eyes.
- both lines, must.
- not just single parent line.
- eg ur mom black eye.
- ur dad black eye.
- but mom's parents, somewhere, do have blue eye.
- and plus ur dad parent lines somewhere, do have blue eye.
- then, it's possible, u get blue.
- Sometimes i find the antiwar people's posts questionable.
- They will attack trump, elon musk, accusing them as extreme war mongers too.
- If they are not american, then i understand, they are free to criticize other countries without a care.
- If they are american, then i think they are just useless destructive.
- The question is, what can we actually do to stop the killings?
- Vote for green party?
- The antiwar account am referring to are:
- If you have interest of stopping the wars, you need to think about it.
- pure bad mouthing isn't useful.
Heavy metal = discontent, angry, confused, youth in rich society. it is, a symptom of inhuman industrialization. Born in USA.
xtodoIntro to xah lee pol
- Intro to those getting to me from pol.
- I mostly post nerd stuff, programing and math. Occasional pol.
- I think biden and democ gang are extremely corrupt.
- Am american. 1st gen migrant (was born in taiwan).
- Am X-gen. Am kinda 90s anti big gov anti big corp type.
- I no like usa reping other countries aka the military–industrial complex.
- I support Trump, Elon Musk, because i think they are the best hope for prosperity of USA, not just in America, but on global stage.
- Am not too much a social person. I no interact with others much.
- I only reply when it is worthwhile, as if in real life, and usually only those paid xcom and earnest.
- I don't like memes stuff. for pol, i only follow dense and no drama accounts.
- e.g. i recommend
Thank you if you decide to follow me for what is worth.
the crimes of usa democ party gang. remove children from parents to have their tits and dicks cut off.
xtodoNoa Argamani. half chinese. her chinese mom died few weeks after her release.
xtodoUSA pol situation 2024-08-10
- now, let me write an insta essay on the landscape of usa pol, extempore.
- there r many factions. let me quickly list
- there's sex n race issue. eg the sjw gang, lgbtqplustrans, men women bathroom thing, men preg thing, and blm.
- these, the pro, r the usa democ party heads.
- and the pawns on the street, eg what u think as the sjw, blue hair college younglings.
- and there's anti. eg jordan peterson, ben shapiro, dave rubin, the Chaya Raichik Libs of Tiktok, the memers, and many pro trumpers, et al.
- now, there's war issue.
- currently, ukrain n gaza.
- there's neocons, or, pro war to make billions and kill other non white non jew.
- there's 2 slightly distinct factions.
- one is pro war, all war, usa supremers. aka neocons.
- well known r george bush, hillary clinton, nancy pelosi, mike pampeo, john bolton, nickki haley, etc.
- the other, camp, is kinda subgroup of jews in usa.
- they may not be pro war for ukrain, but they war all out and kill all islam, if israel is concerned.
- this group, includes many of the anti sjw gang, as it turns out. eg ben shapiro, dave rubin, chaya libs tiktok, gad saad.
- and many other such jews at the top, usually, they are not known in culture drama such as sex n race, but they r weapon bosses, bank bosses, oil bosses, science drug bosses, propa broadcasting bosses, etc, and many r top politicians in usa.
- now, there are anti war factions, u see them usually on twitter now x.
- these, typically, bad mouth usa all day, expose all the coup, rape, plunder, usa have done all over the world.
- most of them, r not american, and no care shit about how to fix things. they only care about mouthing how usa is extreme evil. the syrian girl, is one such example.
- some of these anti war accounts, r apparently china propa. they, bad mouth usa, while, always post positive things about china.
- now, not all anti war accounts r like that.
- some, eg julian assage, and other, are simply anti millions rape n plunder by usa, exposing it.
- some of the anti war people, are also chinese hater.
- they spread fakenews about china often.
- e.g. the Cassandra Fairbanks woman (aka Cassandra MacDonald.) (born 1985), the Bari Weiss (born 1984), dilbet of Scott Adams (born 1957), and many anti sjw people and many pro-trumpers r like that.
- now, part of the sjw gang force, besides sex n race, is about pro islam, eg famous made by hillary clinton's chant phrase of islamphobia.
- now am not sure how this movement became, as it ultimately conflict with the goal of top war mongers, the massive plunder in mideast in the past, eg iraq, afgan, syria.
- certainly, the whitemen n usa jew no care about the islam people.
- and is currently backfired massively with the pro palen protests and major crisis in uk of massive import of islamics.
- it'd make logical sense if the whole sjw gang is funded by china or russia. but that's not a thing.
- and i heard, it's funded by saudi, at least the pro islam part. but overall i dunno.
- another aspect and factions, is the white whitemen vs white jew.
- am not too familiar in this war.
World Federation of Advertisers, Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM)
- there are thousands of kungfu movies tv drama of anti japanese world war 2 era.
- they r on youtube.
- eg very extremely brainless nationalism.
- typically, jp karate challenges kungfu.
- similar to, the thousands of war and superhero movies made in america.
- 300, superman.
- james lindsay is rather a idiot.
- his origin is a anti sjw warrior sine 2017, which turned him into a anti commu idiologist.
- the sjw n commu etc is a symptom. The cause is money: ukrain, isr, military complex, oil.
Massive goto-heaven you see daily in pic and videos. Red liquid flow out from brains and missing limbs and open tummies. One is with high tech jet fighters and bombers, the other is basically slum with homemade stuff.
But sad, the elon musk lead pro-Trump anti-sjw-gang, they no dare to touch this issue.
half of the maga crowd is just pro-America blindly.
Norman Finkelstein, is the true expert. his post do not get spread.
xtodo- suddenly i unstand.
- how much does it take for you to something thy neighbor's wife?
- 1 million?
- how about 10 billion?
- let me summarize about bitcoin and bit money in general
- bitcoin, and bit money, is good, and fundamental revolution.
- however, it does not mean, it magically can wipe out nasty powerful skums
- it does not mean, it magically can make corrupt money printers powerless.
- in fact, the corrupt mega power, has 2 primary means to fuck bitcoin up
- one is, by controlling mass media. pushing massive fakenews, creating million other fake bit money, aka with backdoor.
- two is, by buying large chuck of good bit money and fry it.
- both, they r doing.
- and doing successfully.