Lex Fridman

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

2023-03-29 this guy, is the prototype of phony

Lex Fridman 2023-03-29
Lex Fridman 2023-03-29

Lex Fridman, biggest idiot

this Lex Fridman guy, i must say, is one of the biggest idiot

Lex Fridman 2022-10-19 NfnjW
Lex Fridman 2022-10-19
Lex Fridman 2022-10-19
Lex Fridman 2022-10-19

I mean, low iq, and ladder climber. Truely. He and that joe rogan. And tim pool.

Now, of course, lots people are low iq. Literally, 90% of population, in the context of academic subjects. That is, if we are talking about academic subjects, then, literally 90% of population no fit. Academic subjects such as philosophy, economics, world pol, on religion, or bluntly math, sciences. But, that's not news.

What's more interesting, the reason i particular single out the lex, joe rogan, and Tim Pool, is that they are youtube superstars. They, each, r millions usd makers i think. Now among them, joe rogan and timpool r not interesting. Academics is not their subject matter. The rogan idiot just monkey babble on drugs and ufo. And tim is just frying usa sjw drama in the age of clickbait.

But lex fridman, standout, as one extremely idiotic guy, because intellectual science stuff, is in fact, his subject. Supposedly he teaches ai at mit and obviouly have done some. But jisus, his iq, i gather from just by watching him, is not good. Lower than most professors, i'd say. I mean, outstandingly bad.

But also, apparently from that Andrew Bustamante interview [see Andrew Bustamante, Ukrain War, CIA Spy] , it shows, that lex is the typical know-nothinger when it comes to pol. Have no idea how pol works, and believes the fairy tale of democracy that nyt fed him.

Lex Fridman 2022-10-19 4zg7F
Lex Fridman 2022-10-19 4zg7F

lex monkey interviewing kurzweil

Currently, watching the lex monkey interviewing kurzweil. Ok. Kurzweil guy, today, is really too old. Whatever his genius, whatever he has done, is not shown today in his person.

Ray Kurzweil: Singularity, Superintelligence, and Immortality | Lex Fridman Podcast #321
Lex Fridman
Sep 17, 2022

Kurz is 74. And, according to wikip i recall, he take assorted chemical drugs of his concoction, many pills per day, for longevity. But by his visage, he's not doing better than normal. Lol.

And the lex monkey, just like joe rogan, always, deflect, mislead, insert idiot things, to what the guest is saying. So, when the guest is some big smart guy, and is discussing some very interesting things, then, the idiotic joe rogan or lex, open their mouths, trying to summarize, inject opinion, or add humor, which faaking killed whatever interesting thing the guy is talking about.

Gosh. The lex monkey is intolerable. To the degree, u want to stop watching. It's like this: say, a professor u very much interested in, is interviewed by a highshcool kid. Everytime the professor is gettting onto something interesting, the kid says stupid things that kills it. So, the whole interview became, the professor trying to joke alone drama points skin deep.

Lex Fridman, Nassim Taleb, Bill Gates, Book Reading

Lex Fridman book list 2023-01-02 6wwSn
Lex Fridman book list 2023-01-02 6wwSn

Lex Fridman is also known as Alexei Fedotov

Eric Schmidt on Lex Fridman, 8th video

Eric Schmidt on Lex Fridman 8 2023-01-02 FBvN6
Eric Schmidt on Lex Fridman 8 2023-01-02 FBvN6
Lex Fridman episode 8 2023-01-02 RcdnB
Lex Fridman episode 8 2023-01-02 RcdnB

The more one digs into lex, the more questionable it becomes. Eric Schmidt, if u guys dunno, is one of the top, maybe even top 10, of usa deepstate. (Julian Assange's book talked about him, when Eric Schmidt visited assange in 2011.)