Internet Humor
- girl tongue play game
- tiktok girls
- Humor: Liam Show: Shoes (Kelly song)
- Internet Personality: Magibon
- Internet Humor, Boxxy
- Humor Video: Comedian Fredryk Phox
- Humor: Google Logo Boobs
- The Google Plus Song (humor)
- Gmail Man
- Motorola Commercial Mocks Apple 1984
- Sexualized BMW Commercials 📺
- Video Commercials
- Google Video Commercial: Parisian Love
- Microsoft Bing Video Commercials
- Heineken Commercial - The Entrance (The Golden Age - The Asteroids Galaxy Tour)
- T-Mobile Commercials: Hottie Carly Foulkes
- Chinese Breast Enlargement Video Commercial
- Wikileaks's Mastercard Parody
- Wikileak Rap News
- Humor Video: Video Piracy
- Humor Video: Effect of Meth
- Racism Humor: Asians in UCLA
- Humor Video: Miss Teen USA and World Maps
- Humor: Candy Mountain Cave Song
- Sexual Humor: Wrong Hole Song
- Courtship Humor: What's It Gonna Be 📺
- Humor: Podunk Town Midwest USA: Lazy Muncie (song video)
- Born This Way (Lady Gaga)
- The Google Plus Song (humor)
Tech Geeking
- Humor: Linux Mac Windows Perception
- Hacker Humor: Illustration of Botnet and Rootkit
- Humor: Microsoft End User Agreement Screenshot
- Humor: When a Girl Got a Problem vs When a Boy Got a Problem
- 3D Gel Breast Mousepad
- Humor for Gamers: Good Boobs vs Bad Boobs
- Google Ice Cream; Can Google Be Trusted? 📺
Humor for Programers
- Programer Humor: Wolfram Alpha Ad: Python Unladen Swallow
- Programer Humor: Stack Overflow Offline Page
- Humor: Banner Ads for Programers
- Tonight I'm Frakking You, Starring Alessandra Torresani