Lindsay Shepherd

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Lindsay Shepherd became famous in 2017-11, due to sjw elites trying to punish her for wrong think. see Wilfrid Laurier University Lindsay Shepherd gender pronoun incidence

where did sjgang ideology came from?

Lindsay Shepherd, goes over her graduate school master degree experience, in communication and sociology. From this, you learn, what the current leftsj came from.

Exposing Grad School (My M.A. experience)
Nov 5, 2018
Lindsay Shepherd

my god. it's hard to believe what these people are doing in graduate school. Some are like feel good elementary stuff. When Jordan Peterson retweeted and said Lindsay Shepherd on fraudulent higher “education” i have reservation about retweeting that as is. but now, after watching the video, fraud, indeed.

what happened to Lindsay Shepherd

here's Benjamin A Boyce interviewing Lindsay Shepherd, on the aftermath. (as of now, of course)

Somewhat Censored with Lindsay Shepherd, by Benjamin A Boyce

omg, i've seen many videos of Lindsay. Here's she's the MOST flirty and HAPPY! Her hair is burning.

lindsay shepherd flirty 2018-10-03 0825f
Lindsay Shepherd Flirty with Benjamin Boyce 2018-10-03

Lindsay Shepherd

Anti SJW Gang Heros