Wordy Blog Archive 2016-04
etymology of “redoutable”
late 14c., from Old French redoutable (12c.), from redouter "to dread," from re-, intensive prefix, + douter "be afraid of" (see doubt (v.)).
[etymology of redoubtable https://www.etymonline.com/word/redoubtable]
- quash
- incipient
- vacillant
- avulse
- fugacious
- fractious
- hightail
- abscond
- avarice
- alacrity
- inveigled
- salubrious
British accent, “i'm not fat and gutty”
“i'm not fat and gutty”
gutty = 1. an urchin or delinquent 2. a low-class person.
but a friend told me it just means not having a potbelly in the context of the video.
The Arabian Nights (now with side navigation panel)
Alaeddin; Or, The Wonderful Lamp (now with side navigation panel)
Infinite Jest, Auto-Killed

there's a novel named Infinite Jest, 1996, by David Foster Wallace.
In 2005 it was included by Time magazine in its list of the 100 best English-language novels published since 1923.
The author, David Foster Wallace (1962 to 2008), killed himself, at age 46. Reason was depression.
linguistics, Chinese language, and scifi
who is Ted Chiang?
so, The New Yorker recently ran a article titled Bad Character, by Ted Chiang.
it is a lame repetition on how chinese should be alphabetized.
i was thinking, has The New Yorker gone so low to publish a article of blatant ignorance? Or, as a novelty to its US American readers?
then i thought, perhaps the author, just want to bring up an old topic for thought.
looking up, seems Ted Chiang is a well-known scifi writer. Who's he?