Feminism Perving 2016-02

Ladyboy, Pattaya Walking Street, Thailand

Rick and Morty, Sex Robot and feminism stuff

Susan Sontag on White Race

Democrats face a stark choice: A money-mad, scandal-plagued establishment, or the potential of decency and change

[Democrats face a stark choice: A money-mad, scandal-plagued establishment, or the potential of decency and change By Camille Paglia. At http://www.salon.com/2016/02/25/fight_the_soulless_juggernaut_big_money_machine_politics_and_the_real_issue_separating_sanders_and_clinton/ , accessed on 2016-03-06 ]

by goddess Camille Paglia.

12 Girls Zac Efron Has “Dated”

12 Girls Zac Efron Has “Dated”

it is eternally fascinating, to watch gossip, and especially young girls gossip.

fascinating. eternally fascinating.

the girls, they, their topics, forever obsessive about male and relationships, and shoes and bags.

'tis, not unlike, lioness around lion king.

and also, especially fascinating, is these young female's vibrant facial expressions.

i now and then watch these. You can see that, there's these girl packs, millions of them, following their celebrities, on twitter and everywhere. Chatting and gossiping about their stuff. And, these are of course the topics of women's magazines.

Best and Worst Dressed MTV VMA's 2015 - Dirty Laundry