Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus
Research says, woman uses 20 thousands words a day, while man only 7 thousand. See:
〔Neuroscience in the service of sexual stereotypes By Mark Liberman. At〕
〔Gabby guys: the effect size By Mark Liberman. At〕
Mark Liberman is a linguist at University of Pennsylvania.
If you don't have time to read them thru, here's a moral:
There are many questionable people, many with PhD tattooed on their heads, and prey on the ignorant masses, usually for profit, often in the form of books and lectures. So, when you see attractive titles like the following, typically pop psychology, be wary.
- Why Gender Matters: What Parents and Teachers Need to Know about the Emerging Science of Sex Differences Leonard Sax. Buy at amazon
- The Female Brain By Louann Brizendine. Buy at amazon
- Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: The Classic Guide to Understanding the Opposite Sex By John Gray. Buy at amazon
Note that these books have high ratings at amazon.
In the case of John Gray, the “Ph.D.” title plastered all over his books is from a unaccredited university that the court ordered to close. Quote from [John Gray (U.S. author)] ( ):
Gray received his Ph.D. from the unaccredited institution, Columbia Pacific University (CPU), after completing a correspondence course.[3][6] CPU was closed by California court order in 2000.[7] The court ruled that the State of California recognizes CPU degrees earned before June 25, 1997, as “legally valid” for use in the state, but other states, such as Texas, criminalize the use of CPU degrees. This time period above included Gray's degree which he received in 1982.[7]
Here's the Wikipedia on [Columbia Pacific University] ( ). Quote:
- “One master's-degree student was given credit for “a learning contract describing how he would continue taking dance lessons and watch dance demonstrations in order to improve his skills as a Country Western dancer.””
- “A Ph.D. dissertation written in Spanish was approved by four faculty who cannot speak the language.”
- “One dissertation “had no hypothesis, no data collection, and no statistical analysis. A member of the visiting committee characterized the work as more like a project paper at the college freshman level.” The dissertation, The Complete Guide to Glass Collecting, was 61 pages long.”
- “At least nine students who received the Ph.D. degree in 1994 had been enrolled less than 20 months, four of them less than 12.”[12]
Since California court ordered it to close, the guy moved about different states and countries and renamed his school several times. Quote:
Soon after CPU's closure in California, founder Les Carr relocated the school to Missoula, Montana and subsequently changed its name to "Columbia Commonwealth University" (CCWU).[15][16][17] As Columbia Commonwealth University, the school obtained approval from the Republic of Malawi to operate as an educational institution in the African nation.[16][18][19] In 2001 CCWU moved to Jackson, Wyoming,[16] and was based in Rock Springs, Wyoming until it was either unable or unwilling to comply with Wyoming law. CPU founder Les Carr still serves as president of CCWU.[20][21] In 1993 Carr established Senior University International in Evanston, Wyoming, later known as Rutherford University.
Here's a funny tidbit:
In Neal Stephenson's 1999 novel, Cryptonomicon, an American protagonist remarks to his Filipino attorney, “You know what this is? It's one of those men-are-from-Mars, women-are-from-Venus things.” To which the attorney replies “I have not heard of this phrase but I understand immediately what you are saying.” “It's one of those American books where once you've heard the title you don't even need to read it.” “Then I won't.”
See also: Neal Stephenson at Google Talk 📺.
Charlatans vs Gullibility of the Populace?
It's all fine to talk about the charlatans and gullibility of the populace… but that doesn't seem to be the whole story.
These books on male and female, may be unscientific and even deceptive, but if you look at all the things in the world, probably most of it are mis-information. For example, you can easily see it in politics; of all the rhetoric from politicians, in daily news by big publishers, sold to the uninformed populous. From “economics”, “jobs”, “privacy” etc to “war on terror”. In comparison, the daily ramblings from politicians spread much more misinformation than the few pop books.
So, in looking at the issue of misinformation, fraud, criticisms, credibility, it seems much of it is more a process of life than outright deception and ignorance. In human animal societies, views change, slowly throughout the decades. In the past 5 decades, there's mass pedophile-persecuting craze, porn-banishing craze, female as rape victims craze, comics harm children craze, peace+love craze… In the process, some have made a fortune, while damaging society on the whole. There are always some fashionable thinking and trends that permeate a period.
I think the problem is the human animals. This is part of the study of social psychology. I think the only solution is massive education and keep the massive free flow of info exchange open (a open internet). If war and religion is to stop, i think each and every person should have knowledege equivalent to like 3 university degrees, 2 in social sciences such as history and humanities. (See also: Futuristic Calamity.)