US Gov on Redskin. Preparation for US Citizenship, Naturalization Book

By Xah Lee. Date: .

Preparation for US Citizenship, Naturalization Book by Raymond F Crist

Lol. Did u read usa text book on redskin? Let me tell ya a story.

When i became a usa citizen, in y2k, there's a test. In order to become american, u need to know some history of america, gov system, etc. Some mimum required by us gov.

They prepared a book, of american history, exactly for that purpose. I fogot the title at the momement, but will google it in a bit. It's a brown coverd book. I red the whole, of course. Cuz am studious.

What does it say about redskin? Basically, the whitemen and redskin at first had problems. But after a while, they forgive each other, and became best friends. Lol.

Now, let me google to see if i can find that book. Since most of u prob dunno this, let me post a few pic

preparation us citizen 2024-01-06 4gjq
preparation us citizen 2024-01-06 4gjq

ok, maybe this

us citizenship SzP3
us citizenship SzP3


us citizenship QqQh
us citizenship QqQh
us citizenship Y8Vf
us citizenship Y8Vf

jisus. the usa gov even dictate what u should eat

us citizenship dzNG
us citizenship dzNG

now, a passage on slaves

us citizenship SKnR
us citizenship SKnR

now, a passage onto the declaration of independence

us citizenship JQ5R
us citizenship JQ5R

Xah edu american on american history. If u wanna read it, here

This is edition of 1921. Obvious not the same as the one i read in 2000.

Still need to find which is the one i read in 2000.

the one i read, does have similar cover design, like that one


here it is, a passage on the redskin

us citizenship Rgkj
us citizenship Rgkj

It didn't say mao killed million. It just said that usa whitemen took care of the semi civilized people.

this is the required reading by usa law, for any american.

here's a text version of the redskin passage.


When Columbus discovered America he found a strange people living here. He did not know what country he had discovered, but thought it was India. Believing this, he called the strange people Indians. The American Indian has skin the color of copper. He has dark eyes, long black hair, high cheek bones, and a smooth face; and he stands very erect. He has been called the true child of the forest. He knew nothing of the ways of civilization, but was a master of the, secrets of the woods, because his life was spent wholly in the midst of the wilds of nature, and he dwelt in tents built of dried skins of animals or of bricks made of sun-baked earth. His house was called a "wigwam." The Indian woman was called a "squaw" and did all the work of the house and garden. The Indian man was called a "warrior" or "brave," and spent his life in hunting wild animals, fishing, making canoes, and warring with his enemies. When an Indian was fighting he was said to be "on the warpath. " He was trained from his boyhood to be a warrior and to use the bow and arrow and tomahawk. The tomahawk is a weapon shaped like a hatchet, and the Indian warrior could throw a tomahawk with

deadly aim. The Indians were found to be living in groups or tribes, and to this day continue to live in this manner in a few instances. In their tribal life the Indians wear blankets of bright colors and decorate them- selves with feathers and gaudy paint. Each tribe had a head man called a chief or "sachem," who governed the members of the tribe. They had certain laws which were well enforced. They worshiped the sun, the stars, the moon, and the lightning, and prayed to their Great Spirit, although they knew nothing of God. They believed that when an Indian was killed in battle or died he went to the Happy Hunting Grounds, where he enjoyed an abundance of fishing, hunting, and feasting. For the most part the Indians have become semicivilized, living to a large extent on supplies furnished by the United States Government. This system of Government care of the Indians is on the theory of payment to them for the lands taken from them for the use of white men. In many cases the lands belonging to the tribes have been "allotted in severalty," that is, each member of the tribe has been given title to his portion of the land. In most of these cases the Indians have become American citizens. Some of them have held high offices in the States and a few have been sent to the United States Senate or the House of Representatives