twitter algo ranking 2023-04

By Xah Lee. Date: .

twitter algo ranking

twitter algo ranking 2023-04-01 S6bgS
twitter algo ranking 2023-04-01 S6bgS
twitter algo ranking 2023-04-01 BYpTg
twitter algo ranking 2023-04-01 BYpTg

long time suspected. am demoted to hell. because every tweets contains a link to my site, and often with added offesiveness.

twitter algo ranking 2023-03-31 210657
twitter algo ranking 2023-03-31 210657

great news from elon musk. twitter algorithm may get less nasty. good that elon musk thinks so.

twitter algo elon musk 2023-04-02 JM6qt
twitter algo elon musk 2023-04-02 JM6qt
twitter algo ranking 2023-04-02 191729
twitter algo ranking 2023-04-02 191729

now that i have seen the actual algorithm that damaged american for a generation, been thinking what to do with my twitter. i dediced, gonna 100% be myself. i'll still be posting links to my site and contiune offensiveness.

never play their game or “game the system” (big tech corp social media), you gonna always lose. but when the old bluechecks gets kicked, i'll pay elon musk.